Selling Stained Glass Online

Email by Jason Peter Brown on January 15, 2008
Categories Filed Under: COMMERCE

Selling Stained Glass Online Image is dedicated the the sale of handmade goods.

(Note: We are not affiliated with Etsy or eBay, nor do we stand to benefit from referrals to those sites)

Have any of you tried selling your stained glass artwork online? There is (of course) eBay, but I've discovered another site that may be of interest to stained glass artists - Etsy. It is dedicated specifically to handmade goods which means you have a good base of potential customers in your target market. There does seems to be a thriving stained glass trade there that implies a strong market for stained glass works. I suppose there are some complications that could arise around safely shipping glass, but if you have any experience in this area, I'm sure the artists who aren't selling online would like to hear about your experiences.

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